
Starting to write again

In truth, I hadn’t stopped writing. I kept my nature diary, cycling diary, boring stuff that had happened diary chugging along in the background, but that was the extent of it. Life doesn’t always go to plan, and it’s hard to keep writing much when you’re surrounded by chaos, internal & external. I’m glad now… Continue reading Starting to write again

Writing · Writing courses

Writing groups

Yikes, I’ve joined a writing group. Having dabbled in the past, they were largely unhappy experiences (weak tea & cheap biscuits) that I wasn’t in a hurry to repeat. This one is run by two published authors and everyone attending is serious about their writing.  Hence the ‘Yikes’, I’m waiting to be found out at… Continue reading Writing groups

Literary Festivals · Writing

Partners in Crime

Went to hear the fabulous Martina Cole being interviewed by Clare Donoghue on Tuesday evening, as part of Yeovil’s Literary Festival which starts in earnest next week. She was funny, down to earth, an inspiration. She reminded me that you don’t need to have an M.A. in Creative Writing to be the highest selling crime… Continue reading Partners in Crime


Up with the lark…and the dog…and the cats

Been awake since 5am. Combination of faulty batteries in my body clock, beginnings of a Christmas cold (tis the season to be grotty), and husband hogging whole of the duvet. Having been given advice to ‘get up early & write whilst still in that semi-dream like state & before most of the world starts’, here… Continue reading Up with the lark…and the dog…and the cats

Uncategorized · Writing · Writing courses


I’ve been so busy keeping up with my writing course (Creative Writing – Futurelearn) in the past month, that I have struggled to find time to just write new stories, poems etc. So, I’ve decided to timetable my week, rather than doing both badly. It’s either going to be a coursework morning or a sitting in my… Continue reading #Amwriting